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You travel by train or bike?

Traveling by train or bike has got a large number of advantages:

- relaxing way of travel, talk with your family or have a coffee at the board restaurant of the train

- see the countryside and not just the car and road in front of you.

- no need to hire a car from the airport or in case you do not use cars at all

And here is some good news for travellers who want to go by train to visit the mountains:

Leerer Bus

Book one
of those apartments and we include the last mile!

If you travel without your own car we include into the price:

- transfer to/from the railway stations of Kufstein or Wörgl to our accomodations in Söll, Ellmau and Itter

- your transportation in the area is included with your guest card

- you will get a discount
of 10% on your booking

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